Total Medals Earned: 971 (From 306 different games.) Total Medal Score: 14,765 Points
Medals Earned: 1/92 (5/460 points)
Welcome to Shrimp-OS
Have EVERY (important) application installed at once
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Who turned out the lights?
Find the Shrimpcoin Miner software
Cover your shrimptop in icons
Make somebody upset
Be real loud
Hilarious Dancing Shrimp!
Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/365 points)
Complete the tutorial.
Reach the first layer of snow.
Reach round 75.
Get $9,999
Beat trail six without ever purchasing an upgrade or an investment.
Reach the second layer of snow.
Reach the final layer of snow.
Wear the super secret Mask of Al-X.
Max out one of the strength upgrades.
Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/260 points)
Reach Level 10
Reach Level 20
Complete Normal Mode
Reach Level 40
Reach Level 30
Reach Level 50
Complete Hard Mode
Complete Normal mode at 100%
Complete Hard Mode at 100%
Medals Earned: 1/20 (5/500 points)
You have called the first friend
Upgrade Star Boy to level 10
Earn your first million
Complete your first mission
Unlock Stone Age
You have unlocked all friends of present age
Earn your first billion
Unlock Ancient Egypt
You have smashed the first car
Earn your first trillion
You have unlocked all friends of Middle Age
You have unlocked all friends of Ancient Egypt
You have unlocked all friends of Stone Age
Upgrade Star Boy to level 50
Unlock Middle Age
Earn your first quadrillion
Upgrade Star Boy to level 100
Unlock ALL friends!
You have smashed all the cars!
You won: all cars destroyed space-time continuum is safe!
Medals Earned: 5/14 (40/340 points)
Defeat Shellbreaker!
Defeat Stompy!
Defeat Space Box!
Win the game!
Find 100% map!
Save Sun Snail!
Find 100% items!
Win Slug Mode!
Win in less than 30 minutes!
Win Boss Rush!
Medals Earned: 2/30 (10/480 points)
Die 10 times
Die 50 times
Die 100 times
Eat 999 Noms total
Reach 40 length then die
Eat 250 Noms total
Reach 10 length
Reach 30 length
Reach 20 length
Eat 100 Noms total
Die 25 times
Reach 40 length
Check out a social link on the main menu :)
Eat 500 Noms total
Get the Maze Chalice
Get the Caves Chalice
Get the Machine Chalice
Lose 10 length to Mr. Munch
Reach the Caves
Beat Galagus in 10 Seconds
Reach the Machine
Reflect 30 discs from the Heart total
Beat the Game
Beat the Game with no continues
Beat the Game without using Snek Time
Get the True Ending
Beat the Game with no continues on the hardest difficulty
Beat the Game in 2 minutes 30 seconds or less
Get the True Ending on Hardest Difficulty
Medals Earned: 4/17 (25/500 points)
Hit yourself
Go through the walls
Have SNEK reach max speed
Die within 10 seconds
Ram head first into a rock
Get the SNEK to 10,000 points
Get the SNEK to 15,000 points
Be one segment long
Be 300 Segments Long
Get the SNEK to 25,000 points
Keep SNEK alive for 5 minutes
Get the SNEK to 50,000 points
Make it to the top of the leaderboards
Run SNEK on any device
Medals Earned: 4/12 (30/145 points)
Go quickly
Get a negative number of rings
Kill 2 enemies as Sonac without touching the ground
You went too quickly
Get negative 20 rings
Get 100 rings in a row without missing any
Get negative 50 rings
Go the minimum speed
Get negative 100 rings or something like come on
Kill 5 bees
Defeat Mr. Eggs in battle
Kill 3 enemies as Sonac without touching the ground
Medals Earned: 8/22 (70/280 points)
Defeat Mr. Eggs in hand to hand combat
Get a negative number of rangs you loser
Go as unquickly as possible
Kill 2 enemies without touching the ground, as a non-flying character
Kill 5 bees you racist
Kill 3 enemies without touching the ground, as a non-flying character
Collect 50 rangs as Knackles. (unlocks ???)
Collect 7 chaos emmastones as Shadoo. (unlocks ???)
Destroy a rang.
Collect 7 chaos emmastones as Sonac. (unlocks ???)
Play as Picture of Shaq
Negative 20 rangs? Are you trying?
Go as quickly as hodgemanly possible.
Negative 50 rangs. Are you okay
Negative 100 rangs like how bad can you even be at a thing
Destroy 15 enemies with missiles. (unlocks Shadoo)
Collect 30 chaos emmastones as any character.
Gather 100 rangs in a row without missing any
Play as every character except ???
Play as any character for 5 minutes. (unlocks ???)
Medals Earned: 2/10 (10/445 points)
Back to Continue the Adventure
Die as any Character
All caught up now
Stop the enemy biker before he escapes
Spend some time in Training
Showcase why you're the Ultimate Lifeform
Finish Chapter 1
Finish Chapter 2
Finish Chapter 3
Clear Episode 3