I love your original art style.
I suggest an editing section for the kite.
a fox is a fox
Age 1, Male
Joined on 11/10/04
I love your original art style.
I suggest an editing section for the kite.
Great! Thanks for the idea!
Maybe obstacles, like birds? I see how it wouldn't exactly fit considering the main challenge is just staying on the line.
nice game, looks difficult and funny :)
keep working ;)
Looks stupid, just like everything you make. Now when someone asks me what stupid and boring looks like, I can point to this and say; "Pretty much that."
And you're a flaming homosexual who blows elephants...
No really though, looks fun, and I'm looking forward to eeet!
err.. yeah cool
It looks very solid a tthe moment, it all moves really good from what i can tell based on the movie.
as far as additional gameplay elements, i guess anything thats flying could disturb you, something as far up as a glider or birds as mentioned... could also be to watch out for frisbies, that kind of thing. beachballs, beach things.
looking forward to this sir!
yeah i will put some flying stuff into the game. we´ll see how that works out. thanks for your thoughts!
Bring back the summer!
How about "wrong" arrows (they might even face the wrong direktion) giving you a time or movement penality?
hm i would suggest also some (maybe even random) gusts which slows down/ speed up ur kite.
maybe even an upgrade system to upgrade gliding speed,attraction,hp and defense(if ur adding obstacles etc.)
You should add enemies,like other kites in your way or something like power
ups,more time limit,extra things to earn more points and cheat codes.
If your good,make more levels and more stuff in it! Good luck!
The background should be more detailed, thatd be cool. And powerups might be nice as well as speed changes or boosts.
thanks for the suggestions!
Awesome music
Yeah powerups would be nice. A "arrow-vacuum" that sucks up nearby arrows so they are easy to collect; a speed boost (with accompanying crazy Mausland-style music, of course); maybe just visual alterations that are like Fever mode except different (like a trippy psychadelic mode, etc.)
Looking to be g-r-r-r-r-reat so far
Fever mode lookin good, maybe add a time bonus collectable. Are there bonus levels?
seems like it would be a great iPhone game.
Looks fun already considering its in the development stage.
I think its a bit kiddy atmosphere even though the game looks cool.
Try making it a race game or something. Against ghost kites just to make it feel like your not alone.
I dunno, really.
finish pl0x!
finish it... woooooo.....
how about super flying poo?
why did you changed of account???
Looks Kick-Ass! =)
Release for the new year or already up and out! ^_~*
Merry Christmas Wiesi! ^^
Sincerest & Most Honest Regards,
Forever In Love,
-TIGER M [Wednesday]
-12:44 AM (12/24/2008)
Its awesome. When can i play it. (Pretty good for an 81 year old)
I hope its finished in a month or so.